
Rishikesh Bhalerao standing in a growth room at one of UPSC's greenhouses with aspen trees in front and behind him Photo: Andreas Palmén

Overarching goal of my research group is to understand how plants process noisy environmental information and make robust decisions that are crucial to their survival. To address this fundamental question, we are using photoperiodic and temperature regulation of the timing of growth cessation, dormancy release and bud break that are the key developmental transitions in annual growth cycle in perennial plants using hybrid aspen as a model system.



Plants use environmental cues to make highly consequential decisions that are crucial to their survival. However environmental information such as temperature, a major regulator of plant development, is inherently noisy and how plants process such noisy information to make robust decisions remains poorly understood. Answering this fundamental question is essential to uncover mechanisms that enable plants to cope with their everchanging environment. Understanding how plants process noisy information is particularly fascinating because they make robust decisions despite lacking a central organizer such as brain in animals or a nervous system. My group is using the regulation of growth cessation, dormancy release and bud break, the key developmental transitions regulated by photoperiod and temperature to uncover molecular mechanisms that underlie environmental information processing in plants.

In long-lived trees native to boreal and temperate regions, growth stops prior to winter. The activity of shoot apical meristem (SAM) and formation and growth of leaf primordia is arrested and these are enclosed within a protective apical bud. We have identified the key components of a genetic network regulating growth cessation by photoperiod signal with sensing of shortening day length inducing growth cessation and bud break. The growth arrest is then maintained by until the advent of spring by establishment of dormancy. Dormant state is characterized by the insensitivity of SAM to growth promotive signal and involves suppression of cell-cell communication by blocking of specialized structures called plasmodesmata by callose, a polysaccharide. In order to undergo bud break and reinitiate growth in the spring, dormancy has to be broken. Release of dormancy is mediated by prolonged exposure (typical several weeks) of buds to low temperature, typically 4-8 °C. Once the buds receive sufficient chilling i. e. their chilling requirement is fulfilled, dormancy is released, progressively warmer temperatures induce bud break.

We have uncovered the key components of dormancy and bud break by temperature. A key feature of dormancy release is the restoration of cell-cell communication by deblocking of plasmodesmata by removal of callose, controlled by a recently uncovered genetic network. While these studies are highly successful, these have almost exclusively been performed in controlled growth conditions. Consequently, these studies do not reveal how buds perform long-term integration of variable (noisy) temperature signal. Our goal is to address this major gap in our understanding of mechanisms underlying variable temperature processing by trees in dormancy release and bud break in trees and from these studies provide a broader context of noisy environmental information processing in plants.

 Understanding the mechanisms underlying variable temperature processing by trees in dormancy release and bud break will provide broader insights into seasonal adaptation of trees to withstand increasingly unpredictable winter and spring temperatures caused by climate change.



Key Publications

  1. Maurya J., Misckolzi P., Mishra S., Singh R and Bhalerao RP (2020) A genetic framework for regulation and seasonal adaptation of shoot architecture in hybrid aspen. PNAS 117(21): 11523-11530
  2. Maurya JP., Singh R., Misckolczi P., Prasad AN., Jonsson K., Wu F and Bhalerao RP (2020) Branching regulator BRC1 mediates photoperiodic control of seasonal growth in hybrid aspen. Current Biology 30: 122-126
  3. Misckolczi P., Singh RK., Tylewicz S., Azeez A., Maurya JP., Tarkowska D., Novak O., Jonsson K and Bhalerao RP (2019) Long-range mobile signals mediate seasonal control of shoot growth. PNAS 116: 10852-10857
  4. Singh R., Misckolczi P., Maurya JP and Bhalerao RP (2019) A tree ortholog SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE floral repressor mediates photoperiodic control of bud dormancy. Current Biology 29: 128-133
  5. Singh R., Misckolczi P., Maurya JP., Azeez A., Tylewicz S., Busov V and Bhalerao RP (2018) A genetic network mediating the control of bud break in hybrid aspen. Nature Communications 9: 4173
  6. Tylewicz S., Petterle A., Martilla S., Misckolzi P., Singh R., Immanen J., Mähler N., Hvidsten T., Eklund D., Bowman J., Helariutta Y and Bhalerao RP ( 2018) Photoperiodic control of seasonal growth is mediated by ABA acting on cell-cell communication. Science 360: 212-215
  7. Singh R., Svystun T., AlDahmash B., Jönsson AM and Bhalerao R (2017) Photoperiodic and temperature mediated control of phenology in trees-a molecular perspective. New Phytologist 213:511-524
  8. Tylewicz S., Tsuji H., Miskolczi P., Petterle A., Azeez A., Jonsson K., Shimamoto K and Bhalerao RP (2015) Dual role of tree florigen activation complex component FD in photoperiodic growth control and adaptive response pathways. PNAS 112: 3140-3145
  9. Azeez A., Miskcolzi P., Tylewicz S and Bhalerao RP (2014) A tree ortholog of APETALA1 mediates photoperiodic control of seasonal growth. Current Biology 24: 717-724

Our work is funded by generous support from:

Logo of the Swedish Research CouncilLogo of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg FoundationLogo of the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)Logo of Kempestiftelserna -  the Kempe FoundationsLogo of Marie Skłodowska-Curie ActionsLogo of Formas, a Swedish Research Council for Sustainable DevelopmentLogo of the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research